Selected Publications

1. Brahmbhatt, Xu, Vora, Chen, Fruitwala, Huang, Ji, and Nguyen, An Open-Source Data Storage and Visualization Platform for Collaborative Qubit Control Nature Scientific Reports (2024), DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-72584-9
2. Vora, Xu, Hashim, Fruitwala, Nguyen, Liao, Balewski, Rajagopala, Nowrouzi, Ji, Whaley, Siddiqi, Nguyen, and Huang, ML-Powered FPGA-based Real-Time Quantum State Discrimination Enabling Mid-circuit Measurements Preprint arXiv 2024 (2024),
3. Aziz, Pham, Vora, Reynolds, Lehnen, Venkatesh, Yao, Harvey, Vu, Ding, and Nguyen, An Unobtrusive and Lightweight Ear-worn System for Continuous Epileptic Seizure Detection Preprint arXiv 2024 (2024),
4. Vora, Hajighasemi, Reynolds, Radmehr, Mohamed, Rahman Saurav, Aziz, Veerla, Nasr, Lotspeich, Guttikonda, Pham, Darji, Boodaghi Malidarreh, Shang, Harvey, Ding, Nguyen, and Luber, Real-Time Diagnostic Integrity Meets Efficiency: A Novel Platform-Agnostic Architecture for Physiological Signal Compression Preprint arXiv 2023 (2023),
5. Hu, Redmehr, Zhang, Pan, and Nguyen, IOTeeth: Intra-Oral Teeth Sensing System for Dental Occlusal Diseases Recognition IMWUT/UbiComp 2024 (2024),
6. Aziz, Karkar, Ding, Harvey, and Nguyen, Earables as Medical Devices: Opportunities and Challenges ACM EarComp 2023 in association with UbiComp/IMWUT 2023 (2023),
7. Liller, Tran, and Nguyen, Towards the Internet of Living Trees for Precision Agriculture GetMobile (2023),
8. Goel, Pham, Nguyen, and Hester, Exploring Batteryless UAVs by Mimicking Bird Flight ACM DroNet IX '23 (2023),
9. Abir, Kuantama, Han, Dawes, Mildren, and Nguyen, Towards Robust Lidar-based 3D Detection and Tracking of UAVs ACM DroNet IX '23 (2023),
10. Vora, Wu, Liu, and Nguyen, DroneChase: A Mobile and Automated Cross-Modality System for Continuous Drone Tracking ACM DroNet IX '23 (2023),
11. Venkatesh, Yao, Andrew, Landers, Simon, Nguyen, Ding, and Harvey, Provider and Patient Opinions on Real-Time Seizure Detection via Over-the-Ear Device, Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG): EEG & Seizure Detection Technology American Academy of Neurology, Boston, 2023 (2023),
12. Brannon, Affleck, Mitchell, Wiland, Munoz, Brown, Aghajani, Nguyen, and Liao, Personalized feedback messaging perspectives in a qualitative study among Black and Hispanic women: Implications for future mHealth behavioral interventions. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden (2023),
13. Affleck, Brannon, Aghajani, Nguyen, Brown, and Liao, Social Media ads as a method of research recruitment: A comparison of minority women who enrolled vs. who completed a focus group. 2023 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (2023),
14. Lehnen, Pham, Venkatesh, Yao, Andrew, Landers, Simon, Nguyen, Ding, and Harvey, Real-time Seizure Detection Using Behind-the-ear Wearable System American Epilepsy Society Annual Conference 2022, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (2022),
15. Srivastava, Khanna, Pan, Nguyen, and Jain, MuteIt: Jaw Motion based Unvoiced Command Recognition using Earable ACM IMWUT/UbiComp 2022 (2022),
16. Dang, Tran, Nguyen, Pham, Pham, Vu, and Nguyen, IoTree: A Battery-free Wearable System with Biocompatible Sensors for Continuous Tree Health Monitoring ACM MobiCom 2022 (2022),
17. Pham, Jia, Tran, Dinh, Bui, Kwon, Ma, Nguyen, Mascolo, and Vu, PROS: an Efficient Pattern-Driven Operating System for Low-Power Healthcare Wearables ACM MobiCom 2022 (2022),
18. Rohal, Shriram, Nguyen, and Pan, FinePose: Fine-Grained Postural Muscle Profiling via Haptic Vibration Signals ACM MobiSys-WearSys 2022 (2022),
19. Srivastava, Khanna, Pan, Nguyen, and Jain, Demo: Leveraging Earables for Unvoiced Command Recognition ACM MobiSys Demo 2022 (2022),
20. Shriram, Rohal, Hu, Zhang, Nguyen, and Pan, Sedentary Posture Muscle Monitoring via Active Vibratory Sensing IPSN Poster 2022 (2022),
21. Pan, Lee, Lee, and Nguyen, TeethVib: Monitoring Teeth Functional Occlusion Through Retainer Vibration Sensing IEEE/ACM CHASE 2021 (2021),
22. Kakaraparthi, Shao, Carver, Pham, Bui, Nguyen, Zhou, and Vu, FaceSense: Sensing Face Touch with an Ear-worn System UbiComp 2021 (2021),
23. Wu, Kakaraparthi, Li, Pham, Liu, and Nguyen, BioFace-3D: Continuous 3D Facial Reconstruction Through Lightweight Single-ear Biosensors ACM MobiCom 2021 (2021),
24. Khanna, Srivastava, Pan, Jain, and Nguyen, JawSense: Recognizing Unvoiced Sound using a Low-cost Ear-worn System ACM Hotmobile 2021 (2021),
25. Nguyen, Kakaraparthi, Bui, Umamahesh, Pham, Truong, Guddeti, Bharadia, Frew, Han, Massey, and Vu, DroneScale: Drone Load Estimation Via Remote PassiveRF Sensing ACM SenSys 2020 (2020),
27. Kim, Nguyen, Pham, Bui, Truong, Ha, and Vu, Epileptic Seizure Detection and Experimental Treatment: A Review Frontiers in Neurology 2020 (2020),
28. Truong, Bui, Raghebi, Ceko, Pham, Nguyen, Nguyen, Kim, Siegfried, Stene, Tvrdy, Weinman, Payne, Burke, Dinh, D’Mello, Banaei-Kashani, Wager, Goldstein, and Vu, Painometry: Wearable and Objective Quantification System for Acute Postoperative Pain ACM MobiSys 2020 (2020),
29. Pham, Dinh, Raghebi, Kim, Bui, Nguyen, Truong, Banaei-Kashani, Halbower, Dinh, and Vu, WAKE: A Behind-the-ear Wearable System for Microsleep Detection ACM MobiSys 2020 (2020),
30. Bui, Pham, Barnitz, Nguyen, Truong, Kim, Nguyen, Zou, Farrow, Xiao, Deterding, Dinh, and Vu, eBP: A Wearable System For Frequent and Comfortable Blood Pressure Monitoring From User’s Ear ACM MobiCom 2019 (2019),
31. Bui, Nguyen, Nguyen, Truong, Ashok, Dinh, Deterding, and Vu, Smartphone-Based SpO2 Measurement by Exploiting Wavelengths Separation And Chromophore Compensation ACM TOSN 2019 (2019),
32. Nguyen, Kim, Miao, Hesselius, Kenneally, Massey, Frew, Han, and Vu, Towards RF-based Localization of a Drone and Its Controller ACM DroNet 2019 (2019),
33. Truong, Zhang, Muncuk, Nguyen, Bui, Nguyen, Lv, Chowdhury, Dinh, and Vu, CapBand: Battery-free Successive Capacitance Sensing Wristband for Hand Gesture Recognition ACM SenSys 2018 (2018),
34. Transue, Nguyen, Vu, and Choi, Volumetric Reconstruction of Thermal-depth Fused 3D Models for Occluded Body Posture Estimation Smart Health Journal 2018 (2018),
35. Nguyen, Nguyen, Nguyen, Dinh, La, and Vu, ParkSense: Automatic Parking Positioning by Leveraging In-Vehicle Magnetic Field Variation IEEE Access 2017 (2017),
36. Nguyen, Truong, Ravindranathan, Nguyen, Han, and Vu, Matthan: Drone Presence Detection by Identifying Physical Signatures in the Drone’s RF Communication ACM MobiSys 2017 (2017),
37. Bui, Nguyen, Nguyen, Truong, Ashok, Dinh, Deterding, and Vu, PhO2: Optical 3D printed elements and NIR/R light extraction techniques for phone-base blood oxygen level measurement ACM SenSys 2017 (2017),
38. Bui, Nguyen, Nguyen, Truong, Ashok, Dinh, Deterding, and Vu, Photometry based Blood Oxygen Estimation through Smartphone Cameras ACM MobiCom 2017 - S3 Workshop (2017),
39. Truong, Nguyen, Nguyen, Bui, and Vu, Capacitive sensing 3D-printed Wristband for Enriched Hand Gesture Recognition ACM MobiSys-WearSys 2017 (2017),
40. Transue, Nguyen, Vu, and Choi, Thermal-Depth Fusion for Occluded Body Skeletal Posture Estimation IEEE/ACM CHASE 2017 (2017),
41. Nguyen, Muncuk, Ashok, Chowdhury, Gruteser, and Vu, Battery-Free Identification Token for Touch Sensing Devices ACM SenSys 2016 (2016),
42. Nguyen, Transue, Halbower, Choi, and Vu, WikiSpiro: Non-contact Respiration Volume Monitoring during Sleep ACM MobiCom-S3 2016 (2016),
43. Nguyen, Zhang, Halbower, and Vu, Continuous and Fine-grained Breathing Volume Monitoring from Afar Using Wireless Signals IEEE INFOCOM 2016 (2016),
44. Nguyen, Ravindranathan, Nguyen, Han, and Vu, Investigating Cost-effective RF-based Detection of Drones ACM MobiSys - DroNet 2016 (2016),
45. Transue, Nguyen, Vu, and Choi, Real-time Tidal Volume Estimation using Iso-surface Reconstruction IEEE/ACM CHASE 2016 (2016),