Vora, Xu, Hashim, Fruitwala, Nguyen, Liao, Balewski, Rajagopala, Nowrouzi, Ji, Whaley, Siddiqi, Nguyen, and Huang,
ML-Powered FPGA-based Real-Time Quantum State Discrimination Enabling Mid-circuit Measurements
Preprint arXiv 2024
Aziz, Pham, Vora, Reynolds, Lehnen, Venkatesh, Yao, Harvey, Vu, Ding, and Nguyen,
An Unobtrusive and Lightweight Ear-worn System for Continuous Epileptic Seizure Detection
Preprint arXiv 2024
Vora, Hajighasemi, Reynolds, Radmehr, Mohamed, Rahman Saurav, Aziz, Veerla, Nasr, Lotspeich, Guttikonda, Pham, Darji, Boodaghi Malidarreh, Shang, Harvey, Ding, Nguyen, and Luber,
Real-Time Diagnostic Integrity Meets Efficiency: A Novel Platform-Agnostic Architecture for Physiological Signal Compression
Preprint arXiv 2023
Venkatesh, Yao, Andrew, Landers, Simon, Nguyen, Ding, and Harvey,
Provider and Patient Opinions on Real-Time Seizure Detection via Over-the-Ear Device, Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG): EEG & Seizure Detection Technology
American Academy of Neurology, Boston, 2023
Brannon, Affleck, Mitchell, Wiland, Munoz, Brown, Aghajani, Nguyen, and Liao,
Personalized feedback messaging perspectives in a qualitative study among Black and Hispanic women: Implications for future mHealth behavioral interventions.
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden
Lehnen, Pham, Venkatesh, Yao, Andrew, Landers, Simon, Nguyen, Ding, and Harvey,
Real-time Seizure Detection Using Behind-the-ear Wearable System
American Epilepsy Society Annual Conference 2022, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Pham, Jia, Tran, Dinh, Bui, Kwon, Ma, Nguyen, Mascolo, and Vu,
PROS: an Efficient Pattern-Driven Operating System for Low-Power Healthcare Wearables
ACM MobiCom 2022
Nguyen, Kakaraparthi, Bui, Umamahesh, Pham, Truong, Guddeti, Bharadia, Frew, Han, Massey, and Vu,
DroneScale: Drone Load Estimation Via Remote PassiveRF Sensing
ACM SenSys 2020
Truong, Bui, Raghebi, Ceko, Pham, Nguyen, Nguyen, Kim, Siegfried, Stene, Tvrdy, Weinman, Payne, Burke, Dinh, D’Mello, Banaei-Kashani, Wager, Goldstein, and Vu,
Painometry: Wearable and Objective Quantification System for Acute Postoperative Pain
ACM MobiSys 2020
Pham, Dinh, Raghebi, Kim, Bui, Nguyen, Truong, Banaei-Kashani, Halbower, Dinh, and Vu,
WAKE: A Behind-the-ear Wearable System for Microsleep Detection
ACM MobiSys 2020
Bui, Pham, Barnitz, Nguyen, Truong, Kim, Nguyen, Zou, Farrow, Xiao, Deterding, Dinh, and Vu,
eBP: A Wearable System For Frequent and Comfortable Blood Pressure Monitoring From User’s Ear
ACM MobiCom 2019
Nguyen, Kim, Miao, Hesselius, Kenneally, Massey, Frew, Han, and Vu,
Towards RF-based Localization of a Drone and Its Controller
ACM DroNet 2019
Truong, Zhang, Muncuk, Nguyen, Bui, Nguyen, Lv, Chowdhury, Dinh, and Vu,
CapBand: Battery-free Successive Capacitance Sensing Wristband for Hand Gesture Recognition
ACM SenSys 2018